Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome to My World of Toys


Having finally decided to join the 21st Century, and seeing that my pregnant lawyer wife could put one of these together with all she has to get done during the day, I have given in and joined the blogosphere. I'm not here to start a revolution, and I doubt this will be seen beyond my friends and family who already have to put up with my opinion, but the writing bug has bitten me over the last few months, and given the extraordinary times we live in, it seemed like a good idea to begin putting down my thoughts on this series of tubes we call the interweb.

Come by for (hopefully) philosophical and humorous musings on politics, movies, TV, pro wrestling, comics, and all the other nerdy crap that my wife is way to good at putting up with. Plus, as we welcome our son into the world, I'll be posting on what it's like for a man who is two steps above being a child to have a child himself.

Stay Tuned...

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